The Pied Oystercatcher, Haematopus longirostris
the mister potatohead of the bird world peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep
the mister potatohead of the bird world peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep peep a peep
I saw a wisp of snipe or at least a wisp of waders this morning. Lake Clifton was completely still with sharp flocks of white flying in fast lines across the surface. Two swans and reflections. Bloody noisy wattle birds.
On Monday (8 February) I visited Lake Richmond, Lake Walyungup and Lake Clifton. At each site I saw pelicans in the sky.
This is in relation to the Broome situation and also the forthcoming project, The Sixth Shore at Lake Clifton near Manduarah in the second half of 2009
Make sure you get up early to hear the dawn chorus. For Perth that’s about 0556 (around about or just shortly after nautical twilight). For anywhere else in the world you can calculate your twilight here (but you need to know your lat and long)