The last passenger pigeon
The last passenger pigeon the world will ever know died on September 1, 1914
The last passenger pigeon the world will ever know died on September 1, 1914
Unfortunately I can’t embed this video. I found it whilst searching for a video/dvd on Alÿs.
The most extensive gallery of cloud photos on the internet Miratio e nubum formis orta
I have been posting the mail art piece compose/decompose to the Animals, people a shared environment exhibition as part of the Australian Animal Study Group 2011 conference exhibition at the POP Gallery and QCA Project Space in Brisbane. There are 20 cards in all and the work is a tribute to the Molluskian Hermaphrohood. …
On Sunday we went for a walk up from Bibra Lake. Whilst at the lake we found an egg exposed out on the sandy bank. It looked like a duck egg and it was still warm to touch. There were some pairs of ducks roosting, head under wing, further down on the edge of …
A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. Groucho Marx
Did you listen this morning? I forgot!
Call for Artworks: Australian Animal Studies Group & Queensland College of Art Exhibition and Online Survey of Human Animal Relations Artists 1. Exhibition: Animals, People – a shared environment. Brisbane, July 2011 As part of their fourth conference, the Australian Animal Studies Group is joining with the Queensland College of Art to hold an …
animal art: two most excellent opportunities — respond to curators ASAP (or by 31 March) Read More »
Toblerone originated in Bern, Switzerland, which local legend says was named after a bear.
The Mistle Thrush had built her nest on top of a downpipe, blocking the water’s passage and causing the gutter to flood. But desperate to protect her young, she puffed herself up to twice her size and sat in the drainpipe to stop the tide of rain water swamping the nest. She was …