another nuchal crest
The juvenile’s feathers are more fluffy and look more disordered here. Actually, mango is covered in squashed mango too, so s/he looks a bit more bedraggled than usual. In this detail of under the tail the more obvious barring of juveniles can be clearly seen
Mango (caught in the mango trap) is a much younger bird with no nuchal crest
Birds are aged by the replacement of feathers in their wings
A hundred years of science
A photograph by Archibald James Campbell Bower of the great bowerbird photographed between 1870 and 1929. Sepia toned, 16.4 x 19.5 cm image; 20 x 24.7 cm mounted. Part of A.J. Campbell collection, 1832-1921
bower 1 detail of grey objects (at end of field visit)
collect build arrange dance sing imitate maraud decide silver tags robot shapes multiple players multiple recorders fisheye lens telphoto lens aerial photography topo map
bower 1 photograph with grey objects
bower 8 showing numbered green glass chips
after shot of spatial poetry at bower 6. View from above (south end)
bower 6 view from south showing spatial poetry chips before any interaction bower 6 from above showing spatial poetry chips at either end
bower 5 spatial poetry before (view from south)
Bower 2 with spatial poetry chips on the right and Roebuck Bay in the background.