Proposition 3: shy
Originally I had intended all three propositions for the exhibition How does a network activate a public? to be wall statements only. Thus the third proposition is the most speculative and least determined: World distribution of the Shy Albatross Thalassarche cauta according to http://www.iucnredlist.org/ The Shy Albatross Thalassarche cauta flies in a ‘casual, hump-backed, …
Proposition 2: dissolution of the southern skies
This is a project for people who reside in the southern hemisphere (anyone else can cheer us on). The process of photocopying a photocopy degrades an image down to a network of nothing. This exchange process begins by assembling a collection of 100 participants in a list arranged by their Longitude. Starting at the …
Proposition 2: dissolution of the southern skies Read More »
Proposition 1: entries coming in
Some text entries in no particular order: light and fog SC points and distance.. AH moments LJ space: The relationship between people as objects. The energy we feel. The intimacy and connection. The body language. The distance. The emptiness. Infinity. NC waterfalls… PP nothing NS Love ZS Collect the tears of a happy child. …
Proposition 1: to collect what cannot be collected
You are asked to draw or write a response (no bigger than A4 size) to the question: What cannot be collected? You can be as brief/creative/practical/impractical as you like. Post responses to: Perdita Phillips Lethologica Press PO Box 747 Fremantle WA 6959 AUSTRALIA or email: perdy@perditaphillips.com Deadline: to be in the exhibition “How does a network activate …
Proposition 1: to collect what cannot be collected Read More »