Relationships: 2016

-ing essay by Nien Schwarz

-ing, an essay by Nien Schwarz

An essay on the -ing project about carrying and weeding that was undertaken as part of the know thy neighbour project by Spaced. Deliberately, however slowly, Phillips’ projects such as –ing cultivate a sense of belonging and caring. –ing inspires awareness of natural networks and systems beneath our individual and collective ecological footprint. –ing interrogates …

-ing, an essay by Nien Schwarz Read More »

Banksia grandis in woodland

OCBILs, YODFELs and Biodiversity in Art

OCBILs, YODFELs and Biodiversity in Art was a lecture given at the Art Gallery of Western Australia on 9 December 2016. The talk’s text and images will be uploaded here.

water being tipped into an aquarium

carry me, join me

participatory project reconnecting wetlands in central Perth. In collaboration with 8 humans and 22 waterbodies

weed pull (ouch!)


A performative event about weeds: the difficulties of maintenance

Deep Sea (neuroscience will not be the explanation of everything)

Deep Sea

When the Deep Sea tells us that neuroscience will not be the explanation of everything. 6 digital prints on paper