works for the Ribbons Project


Fault Line 1979
Fault Line, 1979 2001 Domestic tile and metal sculpture wonder
Artwork, image and photography copyright © Perdita Phillips inimitables
stand 1520 mm high
Domestic tile and metal sculpture
Exhibition: Ribbons 2001 Ballidu Art Lodge, Ballidu, Artshouse, Perth
curiosity, to place, environment


The Ribbons project involved corresponding with women living in Ballidu, Western Australia to create artworks that were shown at Ballidu and in Perth.


Max’s Back Paddock Fire, 1974
Max’s Back Paddock Fire, 1974 2001 Digital print and metal sculpture wonder
Artwork, image and photography copyright © Perdita Phillips inimitables
stand 2000 mm high
Digital print and metal sculpture
Exhibition: Ribbons 2001 Ballidu Art Lodge, Ballidu, ArtsHouse, Perth
curiosity, environment, to place



Viewing tubes constructed of metal focused on aspects from the life of rural women