Vade mecum project 2006

Vade mecum (Walking Perth) Project 9 October to 17 December

Vade Mecum was a studio project at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art. It was an open invitation for people interested in walking and locative media to meet and put their ideas and inclinations into practice. The aim was to develop a series of ten walks over the ten weeks of the residency.





Saturday 28 October 2 pm First meeting and short walk: A demonstration of OziExplorer and OziPhotoTool GPS/GIS software. This system allows you to plot spatially the location of photos on a digital map
Sunday 12 November 4 pm A walk for the sky. A sound art walk. Please bring a camera
Sunday 19 November 4 pm From A to Z Finding an alphabet for Perth. Please bring a camera
Sunday 26 November 4 pm Catchment. A walk as the Swan-Avon
Sunday 3 December 4 pm Overheard. A short sound art walk about conversations, shortcuts and roadworks.
Wednesday 6 December 6 pm Approaching the bat world. A sound art walk
Thursday to Sunday 7 – 17 December 11 am to 6 pm Open studio at PICA
Saturday 9 December 4 pm City Spine
Sunday 10 December 9pm Bat walk using an sonic bat detector. This walk starts at the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Carpark, Kings Park
Saturday 16 December 2 pm “It’s All a Mistake” — A Victorian melodrama in the Queens Gardens, Perth
Sunday 17 December 4 pm Pilgrimage by Gregory Pryor

(see images here)