geologist series

geologist series2006Digital inkjet printmultiples
  Artwork, image and photography © Perdita Phillipsto walk
52 x 78 cm edition 7/7 available$770
digital inkjet print on archival paper  
Project: fieldwork/fieldwalking20032006the walkingcountry, Perth 
Exhibition: fieldwork/fieldwalking2006Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery, Fremantle 
Exhibition: Yellow Vest Syndrome2009Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle 

Mapping the geology of the place: images derived from a collaborative mapping project with a geologist. They capture the geologist’s bodily gestures acting out the process of mapping: how the geology of the Kimberley valley fits together or grasping a delicate flower husk: the calyx of Calytrix exstipulata — turkey bush or Kimberley heather.


Edition 7/7 available except for gesture of the valley, edition 5/7 available, it goes this way, edition 6/7 available, and does this, edition 6/7 available