Lethologica Press warmly invite you to celebrate the launch of the book birdlife.
To be launched by Gregory Pryor, artist
2pm, Saturday 22nd October
Clancy’s Fish Pub, 51 Cantonment Street Fremantle
‘Both a playful lament for our lack of feathers, and an elegant celebration of common airs ‘ – Gregory Day, author of The Grand Hotel
Combining poetry, writing and contemporary visual artwork, birdlife provides evocative and diverse interpretations of the avian world.
Including poetry by Nandi Chinna, Michael Farrell and Graeme Miles, prose by Nyanda Smith, and visual artwork by Perdita Phillips.
Please rsvp by 16th October to teapot@lethologicapress.org
birdlife is published by small independent publisher Lethologica Press, intent on publishing intriguing combinations of art and text. Look out for further projects including an exhibition at the Perth Centre for Photography in November 2011, www.lethologicapress.org
Lethologica Press gratefully acknowledges support for this project by the State Government of Western Australia, through the Department of Culture and the Arts.
See further details of the book here http://www.lethologicapress.org/teapot/?page_id=985 or event here http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142361095861941