A collection of thoughts on, and examples of, curious things
Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.
William Wirt
partial eclipse (very)
November 14, 2012
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partial eclipse Perth 5:30am 14 November pinhole camera method
just a bit on the top right corner
how to cook asparagus
September 16, 2012
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Get a bit of butter heating in a frying pan
Run outside and cut some asparagus from the garden
Run inside before the butter goes more than slightly brown
Fry up the asparagus in butter until warmed and ever-so-slightly brown
Put on plate and squirt some fresh lemon or lime juice on them (also from the garden)
Eat straight away
never mistake couscous for cuscus
August 24, 2012
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fantails poem
July 22, 2012
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what movie am I? Grease
what movie am I?
The wiggles
Who am I? Anthony LaPaglia
Who am I? Wolverine
Who am I?
What movie am I? Transformers
Who am I?