fear poem (from a conference call for papers)

1. The Contexts of Fear, Horror and Terror
–    creating fear, horror and terror
–    the properties of fear, horror and terror
–    contexts of fear, horror and terror
–    the language of fear, horror and terror
–    the meaning of fear, horror and terror
–    the significance of fear, horror and terror

2. At the Interface of Fear, Horror and Terror
–    the role of fear, horror and terror
–    techniques of fear, horror and terror
–    marketing fear, horror and terror
–    recreational fear, horror and terror
–    aesthetic fear, horror and terror
–    the temperature of fear, horror and terror
–    the relation to anxiety, disgust, dread, loathing
–   the relation to hope and the future

3. Representations of Fear, Horror and Terror
–    fear, horror, terror and the imagination
–    fear, horror, terror and pleasure
–    fear, horror, terror and art, cinema, theatre
–    fear, horror, terror and literature
(including children’s stories)
–    fear, horror, terror and the other
–    fear, horror, terror and technology
–    fear, horror, terror, hope and despair
–    confronting fear, horror and terror

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