In progress

Karri Kings: Gloucester Tree Fire Lookout Tower

    Gloucester Tree Fire Lookout Tower 212 ft ____________________ I found these images in an old postcard album. In March 2014 I wish to rephotograph, as much as possible these locations in and around Pemberton, for an exhibition about forests called Canopy. Some are quite obvious where they are, others are probably never going …

Karri Kings: Gloucester Tree Fire Lookout Tower Read More »

Karri Kings: Pemberton townsite

    Pemberton townsite Where is this picture taken from? Is it possible to get back to this exact point? ____________________ I found these images in an old postcard album. In March 2014 I wish to rephotograph, as much as possible these locations in and around Pemberton, for an exhibition about forests called Canopy. Some …

Karri Kings: Pemberton townsite Read More »

social plastic

A small snippet here of trying to monetise plastic. An economic method but it does tackle the issue of value: How does it work? The organization sets up special repurposing centers in countries where there’s an abundance of both plastic waste and poverty. Locals then trade in recyclable plastic — harvested from land, waterways …

social plastic Read More »

penguin POV

Detail of one of the hand drawn images from the  –. / .- / .- (penguin anticipatory archive) 2013 (for a description of the project see Mixed media drawings and digital prints (work in progress, ink on tracing paper) 31.5 x 31.5 x 4.0 cm

Time and Landscape: what it would mean to visit the North Pole

As part of Field_Notes – Deep Time in Finland (see ( I was keen to visit the North Pole to do some sound recording.   Google maps can’t calculate a route between North Pole and the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station. The North Pole I am referring to is the famous stromatolite site in the Pilbara of …

Time and Landscape: what it would mean to visit the North Pole Read More »